Our Wedding Expos are Different!
Promotional Grand Prizes for the Brides! (No purchase necessary) Brides must be present to win, so they stay at the expo!
No bridal show or other event to pull brides away from your booths.
All pre-registered brides get in FREE!
Vendors may provide a door prize! Limited vendor spots for this great exposure.
Brides register at door via touch screen computers which means leads go out NEXT DAY to vendors.
All brides easily identified by wearing a "VIP" sticker.
Each vendor receives a welcome packet at their booth.
Ample Mi Bride Guide staff on hand to assist with directions or questions on expo day.
Wedding expos designed for wedding vendors by wedding vendors
Wedding expos that were created with the wedding vendors in mind! We understand your needs because we are wedding vendors too. If you are a business interested in attending one of our wedding expos, please contact Kendra Titus at Kendra@MiBrideGuide.com or by calling or texting (989) 941-7506.

Vendor Applications
Select any of the links to the left to apply for that expo. If you need any help, contact Kendra.

Limited Availability
Due to limited space, we reserve the right to limit the number of vendors in each category. Our goal is to have a minimum of 1 in each category with a maximum of 6 in any one category. For independent business representatives such as It Works, Mary Kay, Origami Owl, etc, we will only have one independent representative per show. Space will be given on a first come first serve basis. Due to this reason, please work through our expo coordinator Kendra for all scheduling and booking.

Vendor Restrictions
No vendor is allowed to advertise any other vendor at your table/booth than the company that is registered within the contract. This includes literature or other business services.
Exhibitor space will not be reserved without payment. A deposit is of 1/2 the booth cost is due as soon as possible to hold your space in the wedding expo.
All Wedding Expo vendors and their employees must confine their activities to their space. Handouts (including literature, souvenir items and promotional materials) may be distributed only from your display space - not from the aisle. You may not walk around to pass out your promotional materials.
Any and all damages to the exhibiting venue that is specific to a vendor are at the expense of that vendor. All decorations , sound/electrical equipment (Bring your own extension cords and duct tape) or supplies must be provided by the vendor.
If your business provides more than one service, please disclose this to Mi Bride Guide SHOWS before the Wedding Expo. Example: A DJ that provides other service such as a photo booth, videography, limousine service, etc. These need to be defined before the expo as to not cause any problems with other vendor restrictions.

Vendor Testimonials
"I get excellent leads from all the MI Bride Guide wedding expos!!","Thank you for EVERYTHING you have done for us!!","We love being a main sponsor for all the MI Bride Guide wedding expos. We get lots of traffic at the expos and receive the leads within only a couple of days. Love these expos!!"